Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Royal Hair Cut

Yawn...... was sitting in the office bus, waiting for the signal to turn green from red at the Hi-Tech city junction. The one hour long journey from office to home every day is tedious and boring, especially with the driver playing blaring Telengana numbers which seems like some campaign songs by a political party! The best thing to do at such times is to switch off from the bus and stare unseeingly outside the window.
Trying to see anything of interest outside the window, I caught sight of this street sign ahead on the pavement.... “Royal Hair Cut”. I could not see the saloon as a compound wall was blocking my view. But the name caught my attention and I was intrigued .... what would the “Roayl Hair Cut” saloon look like? It was located on one of the busiest cross roads of the city, in the middle of the most posh skyscrapers! In the time it took for the signal to change green, my imagination started running wild... I imagined a modern, sleek, granite covered, AC saloon which catered to the demands of the high flying executives of the silicon valley of India!!! The bus started moving ahead and I was waiting to see the place over the compound wall, most expectant ... and I see....
A Jhabba! It is a shack! Has a thatched roof and is supported by four bamboo sticks in four corners! It showcases one wooden chair, table and one mirror, lit by a single bulb! Wow talk about high aspirations! “The Royal Hair Cut”! I wonder how royal does the customer feel!

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