Saturday, April 11, 2009

Traffic Hawaldaar and the Coconut

As usual, our majestic office bus was soaring through the morning rush hour traffic. His Highness (the driver of course), not debasing his royal strata by acknowledging the other pesky motorists on the road. The blaring telengana numbers (His Highness’s favourite), generally scared the other irritants on the road away from our bus, parting a smooth path for the royal entourage to pass. The only deaf posts which were unresponsive to this torture treatment were the traffic lights! Alas, we had to stop at each and every one of them.
As usual, trying to switch myself off from the bus, I was staring outside the window at one very busy traffic junction while we were crossing it and what do I see? A coconut! It was lying right in the middle of the road and the acrobat motorists were performing amazing stunts to avoid the same. Just then, the poor Traffic Hawaldaar took pity and braved the moving rush hour traffic. Ducking and diving he picked up the coconut, but sadly, he landed right bang in the path of royalty!
His highness, obviously blind to any other presence on the road, refused to let anything come in his green signal’s way. He was speeding towards the poor hawaldaar, who had now started to rethink if it was worth being shaheed over a 5 rupees coconut, which he could have got for free from the vendor. We all in the bus got tensed, thinking about what we would tell the police when they interrogated us about the accidental killing of the constable. Just as we were about to plow down the poor soul, His Highness applied the brakes, stopping inches away from the intended victim.
The constable was in such a daze that all he could do was move out of the bus’s way, show his hand to the driver and ask “what!!”. And what does Royalty do...? Instead of bowing before the authority of the constable’s uniform and apologizing to him.... he screams at his to get lost!! “Po Ra!” and moves on.
After that incident I have complete sympathy for traffic constables who are drinking tea in the nearby stalls than stand in the middle of the road guiding traffic. They are trying to preserve their lives! Give them a break!